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- Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
At Hiyoko, we promise to take the utmost care to manage and correctly use your personal information. This includes any information that we obtain from you by means of telephone inquiries or other means. Below is our official policy on the handling of personal information. All employees are required to follow this policy.
- 1) Compliance
- We adhere to all laws and ordinances pertaining to the protection of personal information.
- 2) Collection of Personal Information
- We will never collect your personal information without your consent.
- 3)Usage of Personal Information
- We use personal information only for the following purposes:
・To confirm purchases of sweets and/or gifts in order ensure delivery
・To confirm bills or payments for any of our products
・To introduce you to our new products or send you material such as catalogs
・To send you rewards for participation in campaign surveys
・To send you prizes won through entry into contests etc. - 4) Secure Management of Personal Information
- We strictly manage all personal information we receive. We perform strict, secure data management so as to prevent any unauthorized access, alterations, loss of personal information, damage, leaks, or other possible situations that could compromise your personal information.
- 5) Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
- We will provide your information to a third party in only the following two circumstances:
1. If we have received prior consent from you
2.If provision of such information is necessary in order to comply with the law - 6) Personal-information Related Procedures
- If you wish to have your information disclosed, corrected, or deleted, or if you would like us to stop using your information, we will honor your request in a timely and reasonable manner.
- 7) Continuous Improvements to the Protection of Personal Information
- We will continue to improve the protection of your personal information.
- 8) Inquiries
- If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us with an inquiry.
Hiyoko Co., Ltd.
Sales Planning Division (Head Office)
Telephone: 092-561-7114